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Tyohaaro Par Quotes | त्योहारो पर कोट्स

S. No.January Festivals Quotes 2023जनवरी त्यौहार कोट्स 2023
1.New Year’s Day01 January 2023 (Saturday)
2.Dr Sampurnanand Jayanti01 January 2023 (Saturday)
3.Three King’s Festival (Epiphany)06 January 2023 (Thursday)
4.Swami Vivekananda Jayanti12 January 2023 (Wednesday)
5.National Youth Day12 January 2023 (Wednesday)
6.Lohri Festival13 January 2023 (Thursday)
7.Army Day15 January 2023 (Saturday)
8.Happy Makar Sankranti Quotes15 January 2023 (Sunday)
9.Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti23 January 2023 (Sunday)
10.Republic Day26 January 2023 (Wednesday)
Mahatma Gandhi’s Martyrdom30 January 2023 (Sunday)

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